Table of Contents
Managing your Profile
In addition to your images, Photo Organizer can keep track of what equipment you use for each image, and where each was taken.
The currently supported equipment types are:
Lenses, Cameras, Flashes, Filters, Film, Supports, and Scanners.
You can also define custom labels, and of course, locations. Once added, they will be available on the photo add/edit pages for association with images.
Additionally, your shop details can be managed here, if the system adminstrator has enabled this feature for your account.
Before adding any equipment you will have to add any manufacturers. Photo Organizer comes with a few pre-configured, and all manufacturer types are visible to all users, so you may be able to skip this step altogether.
The new manufacturer you just added will become visible to other users, but only you will be able to modify it. You will not be able to remove the manufacturer if there are references to it in the system.
Managing Equipment
All equipment is managed in a similar manner, although some types have specific options – For example, lenses have an aperture range, and film generally won't have serial numbers.
Adding Equipment
If you click on the Add link in the equipment table, you will see a new window where you can enter the details of said equipment.
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Photo Organizer makes the distinction between types and items because it is commmon that someone may have multiple identical items; for example, they may have backup camera bodies or flash units.
You may see some items already present if you or another user has entered a new type.
You can filter the types by manufacturer, if you desire.
If there is a pre-existing type, select it by clicking on the appropriate radio button. If not, select the New Type button, and fill in the necessary details. Once you have a type selected, fill in the equipment details, such as serial number and purchase date, and click Add.
Edit Equipment
If you click on the Edit link next to a particular item, a dialog will open and you can edit both the item specifics and the more general type details. Make any changes you wish, then click on Save Changes.
Removing Equipment
If you click on the Delete link next to a particular item, a confirmation dialog is opened and you will have a chance to change your mind.
However, if the system detects that there are images that are associated with that particular bit of equipment, you will not be allowed to remove it.
Managing Equipment Types
Equipment types are automatically created by the system when necessary, and will be automatically removed if the last item of that particular type is deleted. Editing an item (including its type) will do the following:
- If no other equipment of this type exists in the system, a new type will be created.
- If other equipment of this type already exists in the system, the type will be modified.
Managing Locations
Locations are managed in much the same way as equipment. Once added, the location will be available when you add or modify images. You can also create private locations that are not visible or accessible to other users.
Managing Labels
This is handled in a similar manner to the other equipment types, except that there are many fields that need filling. You will need to measure the labels to determine their precise dimensions, and fill out the form appropriately. Once added, the label will be made available to all users of the system.